Steve's quick-conversion notes:


1) Take any ability scores the creature has over 20, divide the extra amount by two, round down, and make that the creature's rank in the appropriate super-ability.


2) Give the creature a Damage saving throw bonus equal to its base Con bonus plus any natural armor bonus that it has. Subtract the natural armor bonus from its AC to calculate its new Defense. (This usually results in most monsters being easier to hit, but more difficult to hurt.)


3) Divide the creature's maximum damage by 6 (round down) and make that its damage bonus, if it exceeds the creature's base Strength bonus, otherwise just use the Str bonus.


[use base damage, not modified by Str bonus to determine Natural Weaponry ranks (or manufactured Weapon, or Strike, as appropriate), then add Str bonus after]


4) Convert any spell-like or supernatural abilities the creature may have into ranks in the appropriate super-powers.


My complications;


5) Add an Atk bonus equal to 1/2 HD for most creatures.  For Dragons, Outsiders, Monstrous Humanoids and Magical Beasts, add an Atk bonus equal to 2/3rds HD.  For Fey and Undead, add an Atk bonus equal to 1/3rd HD.  Round down.


6) Add Amazing Save: Fortitude, Reflex and Will equal to 1/6th HD for most creatures, with AS in the relevant type equal to 1/4th HD for the creatures ‘good’ save(s).  Round down, save in the case of 1-3 HD creatures ‘good saves’ which will always be a base of +1.


7) Add Amazing Save: Damage equal to 1/6th HD for creatures with d10s or d12s for HD.  Round down. [*Kill this? AS: Damages too high?*]


[8) Not yet done. Add +1 AS: Damage for every 10 extra hit points for a Construct.]


[9) Divide SRD skill ranks by 5, rounding down (minimum 1). *Consider various alternates, see what looks best here.*]


[10) Subtract caster level from HD (ignoring results less than zero), add resulting number to 1/2 HD to get 'caster level' for purposes of power Rank comparison. Could this be any less elegant? Ugh.]


[11) Replace SR with ranks of Neutralize (Extra: Neutralizing Block, Flaws: Only vs. Mystical Source effects, Only to Block). Deflection doesn't accurately reflect what's happening here.]


[12) Seriously consider alternatives to Steve's idea of converting Natural Armor to Amazing Save: Damage. Combined with Constitution, it is adding up too quickly...]


[13) Look back over write-ups (shyeah, roight) to make sure that Deflection bonuses to AC are added on as Defense Bonuses.]






Extra Attacks (Prereq: Extra Limb(s)) [The Extra Limb feat represents one or more additional limbs, take it once as a prerequiste, then the Extra Attack Feat as many times as Extra Attacks.]

You designate one attack (or multiple attacks of the same sort) as a ‘Primary’ attack form, and designate additional attacks from a secondary source as ‘Secondary’ attacks.  Whenever you are capable of making a Full Attack action, you can use all of your designated attacks in a Multi-Attack.  The Primary attack(s) are at full Atk bonus and use the creatures full Str modifier for their damage bonus.  The attack(s) designated Secondary are at –5 Atk and only use half of the creatures Str modifier to determine damage.  (In the case of a creature with Strength and Super-Strength, halve the total Str modifier.)  Damage from Strike, Natural Weaponry, etc is not halved and applies fully.  In all cases, round down.


Example: A Cheetah has 2 Claws and 1 Bite.  It must purchase the Extra Limb feat once to qualify for the Extra Attacks Feat, which it must purchase twice. It can then designate it’s 2 Claws as ‘Primary’ attacks at full Atk and damage, and it’s Bite attack as a ‘Secondary’ attack, at –5 Atk and using only ˝ of it’s total Str modifier to increase the damage of that attack.  At this point, it is capable of making a Full Attack action, with 2 Claw rakes and 1 Bite attack in a single Full Attack action.


Unusual Size

The creature is a size other than Medium, ranging from Fine to Colossal. This feat confers the size penalty and any Hide / Intimidation bonuses or penalties for increased size, but Extra Reach or increased movement must be purchases separately. Increased size purchased through this Feat confers no Super-Strength, Protection or Immovability,


Extra Reach

The creature has an extra 5 ft. of Reach, this Feat can be taken multiple times, and may be Flawed (Limited) to only apply to specific limbs.


Talented (Listen & Spot)

aka Alertness


Talented (Hide & Move Silently)

aka Stealthy


Improved Stability

You have a +4 to resist Bull Rush or Trip attempts.



Whenever a Badger or Wolverine suffers a Stun or Lethal Hit, it immediately goes berserk, gaining a +2 to Atk & Damage rolls, and to Damage SVs, but a –2 to effective Defense, this Rage cannot be ‘turned off’ and if the scene ends with the creature still alive, it immediately becomes Exhausted.


Improved Grab

You may attempt a Grapple as a Free Action on a successful attack.  Depending the creature, this may be limited to specific attacks, such as Bite attacks or Tentacle attacks or after a pair of successful Claw attacks.


Amphibious (Flaw: Limit – cannot breathe underwater, often includes the ability to hold ones breath underwater for a lengthy duration.  Crocodiles, Polar Bears, Dolphins and Whales share this feature.) 



Bison stampede away from danger, any size L or smaller target caught in a buffalo stampede must make a Reflex save (DC 18) or suffer an attack that has a damage bonus of +2 for every 5 bison in the herd (typically six to thirty, more do not increase the damage beyond +12).  If the Reflex save is made, the attack is only at half-strength.  The Damage Save to avoid harm applies normally.


Hero’s Luck (Flaw: Limited – only to eliminate Stun hits, Recover, Ignore Fatigue or Overcome Injury, represents the ‘Ferocity’ ability of a Boar, or similar animal, to continue functioning even after dire injury.) 


Superior Trip

Can attempt a Trip attack with a +HD check modifier as a Free Action if it hits with a specified attack, if failed, the opponent cannot attempt to Trip the animal.


*Constriction Attack

Successful Grapple attacks do increased damage.  ???  Forgot the damn formula  (Perhaps represent as a Flawed version of Strike, or as a sort of Follow-up Attack only applicable when a certain condition (Grappled) has been achieved?)


Improved Grapple

Can make a Bite attack immediately if a Grapple succeeds.  Can only make a single bite per round, no matter how many targets are Grappled.



Counts as only having a single rank of Swimming, as it was purchased as a Feat.  Can be purchased multiple times, and counts as if the target had Ranks of Swimming equal to the number of times he has taken this Feat.


Pounce Attack

At the end of a Charge, the creature can take a Full Attack action.


Follow-up Attack [Make sure to purchase multiple times for creatures, such as big cats, with multiple Follow-up attacks!]

If a specific designated attack hits, it triggers the opportunity to use an extra attack at the creatures full Atk bonus (but only using ˝ of total Str modifier to enhance damage, as per a secondary attack).  Example: A Lion that hits with its Bite attack (or one that Pounces) can bring its rear claws up to Rake.  (In this case, the Lion has to purchase this Feat twice, as it has 2 rear Claws attacks in such a situation.)


Toughness x2 or x4

Some creatures may purchase the Toughness Feat twice, for them the effects stack.  This option is not available to characters. [Alternately, any creature with multiple instances of Toughness could just be given the Durability Feat? Damage saves are already too high...]


Wingover (Prerequisite: Flight 4+ (Flaw: Winged))

Regardless of maneuverability, the flier can make one 180 degree per turn in addition to other movement.  It cannot climb in the same round that it performs a Wingover, but it can descend.


Skill Finesse (skill)

This skill allows a creature to select a single Str based skill, such as Climb, Jump or Swim, and use its Dex modifier in place of its Str modifier for that skill.


Heroic Charge

Once per hour can move at 10x normal speed for 1 round.  This counts as a charge action, not a sprint.


Massive Attack

As a Full Attack action you can make a single attack using 1.5x your Str modifier (round down) for damage (although it is no more accurate than a normal attack).


Skill Specialty

You gain a +2 to skill checks of a specific sort when you are using a defined specialty of that skill. For instance, someone could have Skill Specialty in Acting and Tracking, so that she gets a +2 to Disguise or Survival rolls when she is Acting or Tracking.





Weakness: Noncombatant - A creature unsuited to combat ray only applies half of its Str bonus to its damage and has –5 to Atk.]




Aberration (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: Will)

Animal (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: usu F/R)

Construct (HD: d10, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: none)  * extra hp based on size

Dragon (HD: d12, Atk: HD, Save: F/R/W)

Elemental – Air, Fire (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: R)

Elemental – Earth, Water (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: F)

Fey (HD: d6, Atk: HD x ˝, Save: R, W)

Giant (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: F)

Humanoid (HD: d8, HD x 3/4th, Save: usu R)

Magical Beast (HD: d10, Atk: HD, Save: F, R)

Monstrous Humanoid (HD: d8, Atk: HD, Save: R, W)

Ooze (HD: d10, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: none)

Outsider (HD: d8, Atk: HD, Save, F/R/W)

Plant (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: F)

Undead (HD: d12, Atk: HD x ˝, Save: W)

Vermin (HD: d8, Atk: HD x 3/4th, Save: F)




Poison attacks are handled as ranks in Drain with the Extras: Triggered (bite, sting, whatever), Slow Recovery x3 (days instead of rounds) and Secondary Effect, and the Flaws: One Attribute (Str, Dex or Con, usually) and Limited - Must hit with triggering attack (but need not score damage). The latter Flaw means that a venomous creature cannot use its Drain ability at a range, unlike a super-character with that power. The attack can cause a poisonous reaction, even if the wound itself is negligible (the damage having been resisted), *although* there is an exception for targets with the effects of Protection (from that power, a Force Field or Armor). If the Protection is sufficient to completely negate the Triggering attack (bite, sting, whatever), the Drain attack does not occur.


Disease attacks are handled as above, with the Extra: Continuous (it continues doing damage until resisted, or cured by Healing or Regeneration) and Flaw: Slow Progression (the Secondary effect rolls are made daily, instead of each minute).


Flaw: Poison or Disease Attack (this specified attack is a poison or disease effect, and the appropriate Immunity renders the target unaffected. An opposed Healing or Regeneration Power Check can also negate a Poison or Disease Effect.)